This is an evangelistic outreach and it’s geared to share the gospel in a loving and supportive environment.
WAW program seeks to reach out specifically to the women in the red districts (or similar wells) of our cities by inviting them to breakfast meetings in order to give them an encounter with a Man who told them all they ever did, the Man that loves them more than any man can ever do who gives them a verdict of no condemnation saying “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more” ; Jesus, the Messiah.
This is the aim of the WAW outreach program.
We use the TAB (Thanks, Ask, Bless) prayer model. We don’t condemn, we don’t preach, we don’t counsel. We Thank God for the person for whom we pray, we ask from God what they want, or need, ( in accordance with scriptures ) and we ask God to bless them.
Local churches are invited to send counselor to the well for the program in order to follow up and gear converts to local churches.
Grace and our identity in Christ.; knowing our identity helps us to locate or reclaim whom we are destined to be.
“Bad Women Of The Bible” Study model.
Freedom Bible Studies
The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. (Psalm 9:9)
One out of every three women worldwide will be physically, sexually or otherwise abused during her lifetime. During times of war and conflict, sexual violence is used to terrorize and humiliate women and girls. Survivors often suffer further victimization by family and society
Through AWAB (Awesome Women Against Battering) we offer hope, encouragement, support, education, spiritual direction, and assistance to teens, women, and families who experience domestic violence, destructive relationships, separation, or divorce, through counseling, education, training, support groups, and tangible resources. We are dedicated to helping abused and traumatized women.
Caring for abused and traumatized women through Christian counselling
Giving Abused Women the Help They Need
We invite fellow Christians to ask God to open your eyes to prevalence and severity of the problem.
Pray for the ability to notice women around you who are suffering from physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse, and to feel compassion for the women and also for the hurting men who are inflicting their pain on the women they abuse. Seek to understand some of the common reasons why women struggle to break free of abusive relationships.
Increase awareness in your church. Use means such as sermon illustrations, information packets, posters, and training materials to inform your congregation about domestic violence and urge them to be alert to it among people in their own community.
Condemn abusive behavior. Speak out against domestic violence whenever you have an opportunity to do so, making it clear that God does not condone abusive behavior in any circumstances.
Educate people.
Teach people how to deal with their disappointments and frustrations in nonviolent ways when they gather for adult Bible studies or Sunday school classes, or during youth group meetings. When engaged couples go through their premarital counseling at your church, help them learn how to resolve conflicts in healthy ways and understand that authority in the home is meant for loving servant leadership rather than controlling and dominating another person. Train church staff and volunteers how to recognize signs that people may be suffering abuse, as well as how to reach out to those people in practical and effective ways. In sermons, discuss the importance of respecting other people and working to build and maintain peaceful relationships.
Provide safe places for people to talk. Give the people who attend your church plenty of opportunities to talk honestly with others about the problems they're struggling with—including abusive relationships. Train people who participate in small groups and prayer events to listen carefully to people without judging them, and to respect people's confidentiality. Whether your church is ministering to abused women or to the men who abuse them, offer respite from turmoil and the encouragement and support they need to pursue healing.
“And he must needs go through Samaria”. John 4: 3&4
Like it is the days of Jesus, in our evangelistic efforts, we often forget the Woman at the Well. But as it was then, so it is now, that although it is a much longer, inconvenient and unconventional journey, Jesus felt compelled to go through Samaria for the sake of that one woman at the well.
How Can You Get Involved and Help an Abused Woman?
Understand the complexity of abuse and realize that help and healing is a long journey. You cannot "rescue" her. She has to want to get help.
Help her develop a safety plan.
Find a local support group (Christian, if possible); offer to accompany her.
Locate a safe place for her and her family if she's in a dire situation (when she separates, she's most vulnerable to violence).
Support a group like Hagar's Sisters (www.hagarssisters.org) or any other local group by volunteering or donating.
There is hope in healing!
AWE Ministries is a safe place. We are passionate about helping women and families not only survive, but thrive.