My husband and I were privileged to host to dinner yesterday the former Imam of the Muslim students in the university here. Hs conversion was truly divine and how we met was a divine arrangement.
> This was a guy that grew up in Saudi Arabia and like Saul was taught by the Islamic priest that worked at the Kabal in Mecca!
> I asked him what he thinks will happen in the world now with the wave of terrorism and the Islamic determination to win the world.
> I believe his answers were Holy Spirit breathed
> The first thing he sad was that Christians need to know this if the time of Daniel 7 vs 23 to 25.
> I was surprised because I've always felt It was descriptive of Islam but since no one agreed with me i had shut my mouth. But the former Imam, due to his extensive knowledge of Islamic history and thorough memorization of the entire Quran was able to show me in detail how Daniel 7 was descriptive of Islam.
> The next thing he said was that "THIS IS THE TIME TO EVANGELIZE MUSLIMS!"
> The former Imam had so many testimonies to the effect that Muslims are now disillusioned with Islam and hard core muslims are now knowing the truth and turning to Christ. He said we should dissociate Muslims from the religion which they ignorantly represent. We should reach out in love to them and share the gospel with them in love.
> Coming from an ex Imam, I think he was right!
> Lastly he said he was convinced that the Anti-Christ would be a muslim. This of course I know is the most controversial of all. Islam he said recognizes and expects the anti-christ just like Christians do and he said the man would be a muslim. He also had quoranic and other quotes from Islamic writing to prove it.
> I share this because of the level of hatred I have seen among many of us.
> True the devil is using Islamic terrorists and their agents to do much evil in the world but we should not be evil like them. Our prayers should target the spirits in them and We should not relent in praying like that. But Muslims are really crying out for love and only we can show Christ's love to them. May God show us how.